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Kentaro Yasu Ph.D. (Media Design, Keio University)

Distinguished Researcher 
Sensory Interface Research Group

Human Information Science Laboratory 

NTT Communication Science Laboratories

<Pronunciation of my name>
"Kentaro" is almost the same as "Kangaroo".
"Yasu" is almost the same as "Yes". 
Therefore, it sounds like "Kangaroo Yes 🦘



Dr. Kentaro Yasu (1985-) is a creative researcher in Japan. Ph.D. (Media Design). 

He received a B.E. in 2008, Masters in media design in 2010, and Ph.D. in media design in 2013 from Keio University, Kanagawa.


From 2013 to 2016, he worked as a research fellow at the National University of Singapore.

In 2016, he joined NTT Communication Science Laboratories and began researching haptic display systems. In 2018, he developed Magnetact, a magnetic tactile printing technology. Since 2019, he has been a distinguished researcher and is engaged in work on information presentation technology using magnetic materials.


His paper on magnetic field control technology through the layering of magnetic sheets received an honorable mention award at the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020), and his research into pin-based shape-changing display systems using magnetic materials won the best talk award at the 35th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2022).


He is a member of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), and the Information Processing Society of Japan.

Research topic:

  • Force field fabrication and tactile presentation without electricities 

  • Interactive techniques using passive materials that retain information and functionalities

  • Manufacturing methods using home equipment and everyday materials

Research keywords:

Human-Computer Interaction, Paper-based Motion Media, Magnetic Haptics, Rapid Prototyping, DIY, Creative tools, Entertainment Computing, Interactive tecnniques, User Interface.


Research Activities:
Member of ACM, and Information Processing Society of Japan



2004-2008 Bachelor of Engineering at Keio University, System Design Engineering

2008-2010 Master of Media Design at Keio Media Design, Keio University

2010-2013 Ph.D. of Media Design at Keio Media Design, Keio University



2010.04-2013.01 Group Research Assistant

JST / ERATO “Technologies for programming home robots”


2013.04-2013.07 Project Researcher

Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University


2013.07-2016.03 Research Fellow

Keio-NUS Connective Ubiquitous Technology for Embodiments Center

Interactive and Digital Media Institute

National University of Singapore


2016.04-2018.01 Research Associate

Sensory Representation Research Group

Human Information Laboratory

NTT Communication Science Laboratories


2018.02-2019.03 Creative Researcher 

Sensory Representation Research Group

Human Information Laboratory

NTT Communication Science Laboratories

2019.04-(Present) Distinguished Researcher 

Sensory Representation Research Group

Human Information Laboratory

NTT Communication Science Laboratories

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